John Hopkins COVID-19 Global Cases Dashboard - ICAP at COVID Map - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center JHU has stopped collecting data as of 03 / 10 / Show More Johns Hopkins experts in global public health, infectious disease, and emergency preparedness have been at the forefront of the international response to COVID
New COVID-19 Cases Worldwide - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus JHU has stopped collecting data as of 03 / 10 / Show More What is the JHU CRC Now? The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center established a new standard for infectious disease tracking by publicly providing pandemic data in near real time.
COVID-19 Map - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center Confirmed cases In this section What is the daily number of confirmed cases? Daily confirmed cases per million people What is the cumulative number of confirmed cases? Cumulative confirmed cases per million people Weekly and biweekly cases: where are confirmed cases increasing or falling?.
Tracking - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center Cases - Total > 5,, , – 5,, 50, – , 5, – 50, 1 – 5, 0 Not applicable Download Map Data Globally, as of pm CEST, 18 October , there have been ,, confirmed cases of COVID, including 6,, deaths, reported to WHO.
Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Dashboard - Geospatial World Data Notes JHU has stopped collecting data as of 03 / 10 / Show More By Region See the latest data in your region Share This Page: Find your U.S. State or country United States.
Zahlen und Fakten - Helmholtz Home On January 20, China’s National Health Commission (NHC) confirmed that the coronavirus can be transmitted between humans. On the same day human infections with nCoV had also been confirmed in Japan and South Korea, and the following day cases in the U.S. and Taiwan were detected in travelers returning from Wuhan.
Coronavirus: Weltweite Fallzahlen in Echtzeit: Tagesspiegel Johns Hopkins experts in global public health, infectious disease, and emergency preparedness have been at the forefront of the international response to COVID This website is a resource to help advance the understanding of the virus, inform the public, and brief policymakers in order to guide a response, improve care, and save lives.
Coronavirus: Internationales Datenangebot - Statistisches
COVID Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University. On March 10, , the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center ceased its collecting and reporting of global COVID data. For updated cases, deaths, and vaccine data please visit the following sources.